
5 Hiring Trends of 2023 and How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Janis Kreilis

Robot waiting in line with business professionals

Some trends come and go - remember Clubhouse, anyone? Some trends, however, are here to stay because they’re born out of a broader necessity. Here are the 5 most prominent hiring trends likely to dominate recruitment circles for the next decade. See how you can get ready for them and stay ahead of the curve.

Increased competition for talent

The growing skills gap alongside the shrinking working-age population in most developed countries is creating a global talent shortage. Fewer skilled employees to go around spells increased competition for talent. In 2023, 77% of companies are already reporting difficulties filling roles, up from just 35% a decade ago, according to ManpowerGroup.1

Future-proof solution: Learn how to increase demand for your open positions through marketing techniques such as employer branding and proactive, targeted, personalized outreach to candidates.

Candidate experience

Not only attracting prospects to your job post is getting more difficult; nowadays, so is keeping them in your pipeline. A study by Indeed reveals that 76% of employers were ghosted by candidates in 2021, and most reported an uptick in ghosting compared to previous years. The most common reason for ghosting an employer according to the same study was accepting a competing offer.2

Dogs dressed like ghosts

Future-proof solution: Of course, most of the blame lies with the person not responding or showing up for the interview, but in a candidate-driven market, you need to move quickly to attract top talent. Therefore, working to improve the candidate experience by reducing friction and time between hiring stages, as well as communicating clearly and frequently, will allow you to keep more candidates in your pipeline. What’s more, candidates who have a positive hiring experience are more likely to accept the job offer.

HR process automation

In an effort to achieve more results faster, companies are looking to automate monotonous tasks where possible. McKinsey estimates that more than half (56%) of HR tasks could be automated without drastically changing processes. Meanwhile, according to SHRM, 79% of companies were already utilizing automation tools in 2022 for recruiting and hiring purposes.3, 4

Future-proof solution: To stay competitive, look for areas where automation can help you speed up your recruiting process without compromising quality. A good place to start can be candidate sourcing and initial outreach, freeing you up to spend more time on the human interaction part of recruiting.

Diversity hiring

According to the Harvard Business Review, 90% of employers in the U.S. say increasing gender and racial diversity was a factor they considered when hiring. Small wonder, given how Boston Consulting Group’s research suggests that above-average diverse leadership teams generate nearly 20% more revenue than teams with below-average leadership diversity. With more data on diversity driving performance coming in, the push for more diversity in the workplace is likely to only get stronger.5, 6

Future-proof solution: Instead of waiting for diverse candidates to apply to your job posts, you can switch your tactics towards a more proactive path - outbound recruiting - and approach suitable candidates yourself.

Data-centric recruitment

Becoming more data-centric is a broader business trend that is also impacting recruitment. Measuring and analyzing the right data points allows us to make better decisions in all aspects of recruiting - from designing candidate experience improvements to diversity hiring and automation efficiency.

Future-proof solution: If you haven’t already, set up your key performance indicators by deciding which metrics are the most important in your recruitment processes. In case you’re not sure where to get started, take a look at our blog post about hiring metrics proactive recruiters should focus on in 2023.

Stay ahead with Hyperjob

At Hyperjob, we’re committed to helping recruiters attract suitable candidates quickly and consistently, which is why we’re always on the lookout to spot emerging hiring trends. Here’s what we’re building right now in order to help our customers in the recruiting world of tomorrow.

  • Candidate sourcing automation extension that lets you pull profiles from LinkedIn in bulk, enrich their contacts from other sources and add them to your ATS.

  • Messaging solution that allows you to create LinkedIn and email outreach message sequences from the same inbox, automate follow-up messages, and A/B test your messaging.

  • An analytics suite tailored for the needs of outbound recruiters that includes message open, click and reply rates, message engagement and interest statistics and conversion metrics.

  • AI-driven candidate suggestions and hiring insights to speed up recruiting at each stage of the hiring funnel.

If you’re interested in trying out these and other new features before they become available to everyone, sign up for early access and get notified first!

Request early access here.

1 Talent Shortage Study 2023 by ManpowerGroup
2 Employer Ghosting: A Troubling Workplace Trend by Indeed
3 Human Resources in the Age of Automation by McKinsey & Company
4 Automation & AI in HR by SHRM
5 How Companies Committed to Diverse Hiring Still Fail by Harvard Business Review
6 How Diverse Leadership Teams Boost Innovation by Boston Consulting Group


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