
Hyperjob introduces detailed analytics to job pages

Roberts Eglitis

Hyperjob analytics

Knowing exactly what attracts the best candidates is a recruiting superpower. However, it's quite difficult without accurate analytics. That's why, to help you move further away from the crystal ball and closer to becoming a recruiting superhero, we're introducing analytics to Hyperjob's outbound job pages.

To access Analytics, simply press on three dots next to any job page.

From now on, you’ll be able to see how candidates interact with each Hyperjob page you create. Here’s what’s new:

Total views, unique views

Total views show how many times your job page has been opened. Meanwhile, unique views let you know how many people have opened the job page.

The ratio of total views to unique views can give you an idea of the general interest in the job, assuming that the more times prospects open the job page to view it, the more interested they are in the job.

Total views

Clicks on “I’m interested” and applications

“I’m interested” is the button within the Hyperjob job pages that prospects must click in order to start the application process. Thus, “I’m interested” clicks show how many people have begun the application process.

The number of applications, on the other hand, measures how many prospects have left their email address indicating they'd like to complete the application process. That’s why, these metrics are arguably the most important ones on the entire job page since the ultimate goal of any recruitment project is to attract enough qualified candidates.

Of course, many passive candidates will choose to respond to you directly rather than completing the application process through Hyperjob, since you have approached them directly yourself - to track this part of the funnel, we have another set of features in the works. Stay tuned!

Views by device and time of day for page views

Device statistics show you what kind of devices your prospects are using to view your job pages. While some check them out on the go, others prefer saving the link you sent for later viewing on a laptop. We've taken great care to make Hyperjob pages look great on both mobile and laptop screens - and you can preview both easily from your web browser.

The times that your job pages were viewed can serve as an indication of when, on average, your prospects are most likely to interact with your job pages, which may also be the best times to send them out.

Average session length and early drop-off rate

The average session length can let you determine how interested in the job your prospects are. For reference, the overall average time prospects spend on viewing a job page is 47 seconds and anywhere from 30 to 90 seconds is considered normal for a single session. The early drop-off rate shows how many prospects opened and closed the job post within 3 seconds, indicating a potential mistargeting.

Clicks on sections

This is a completely unique job page metric that is impossible to collect from traditional job posts. It shows how many times your prospects opened a specific section of the job page. Now you can find out exactly what your prospects were most interested in learning about the job!

These insights are great not only when creating the job page, but also when reaching out to prospects, as you can simply start with what you know they're likely to be most interested in! The metric is measured in unique clicks/unique page views.


- Single view average session length by device

- Multiple view average session length by device

These breakdowns show the average session length by device for prospects who visited the job page either once or multiple times. The metrics are designed to help you compare the level of interest between different groups of candidates - those who use mobile vs a laptop to view your job page and those who have viewed your job page once vs multiple times.

Additionally, for an even closer analysis, you can switch between tabs to see the analytics for just Desktop users, Mobile users or a comparison between the two.

We hope you’ll enjoy your newly gained recruiting superpowers of knowing exactly what your prospects are looking for in the job page as well as how they’re interacting with your job pages and when they are doing it. We look forward to your feedback! And, if you have any questions about the Hyperjob outbound recruiting solution, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team.


“Since we began using Hyperjob, we've noticed a significant bump in replies from candidates. Regular ads can be a bit boring, but Hyperjob's got this eye-catching format that has impressed both the candidates and the hiring managers.”

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Krists Vitols

Team lead for tech recruitment team

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